Knitting And Stitching Show – Celebrating the art of knitting

Knitting & Stitching show
Among many arts that man has mastered since he started civilizing himself, the skill of making clothes for himself has triggered a form of art (if we may call it), that is still undergoing constant evolution. The art of knitting and stitching, especially, deserves a special mention since it is such an in-vogue form of hobby and crafts today. The earliest evidence of knitting that has been discovered are a pair of knitted cotton socks found in Egypt that belong to the end of the first millennium AD. With such a distant history, it is quite hard to believe that the earliest techniques are still preserved by the knitting enthusiasts and practiced widely. The knitting & stitching shows such as Knitting & Stitching Show take pride in keeping this rich art form still fresh.

Surprisingly, knitting was originally a male occupation with hardly any female presence. However, through ages it has interestingly, slipped into the court of the females and it is now, considered to be more of a womanly occupation. The gender transformation of knitting has made enabled it to become a woman’s favorite pastime while very recently it has started gaining popularity with the men as well. The knitting & stitching shows are some of the best medium through which this art is fining recognition worldwide.

Knitting as a hard-core commercial stream began in the year 1527 with the establishment of the first knitting trade guild in Paris. This organization assumes a historical importance in promoting this sector to great extent. However, its commercial position started waning with the advent of the knitting machine that had reduced it to no more than a leisure activity in the line of quilting and spinning. Another truth lies in the fact that, this art from has gone through many ups and downs. With its marked relapse in the 19th and 20th centuries, knitting was almost a dead art. In restoring back its popularity in the 21st century, Knitting & Stitching Show have played a key role, one of the most mentionable among them being the this show.
Knitting & Stitching show

Today, with an increased concern towards this form of art, thanks to knitting organizations, clubs and knitting & stitching shows, there has been a surge in the number of professional knitters and hobbyists. According to a survey done almost ten years ago, it was seen that the number of professional knitters have risen to 150% in the between the years 2002 and 2004. So it is pretty much predictable that it has grown in recent times as well. And more so due to the regular organization of shows such as Knitting & Stitching Show Harrogate.

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